Wildcrafted herbal tinctures
Wildcrafted herbal tinctures are available for purchase in the following sizes: 25mL, 50mL, 100mL.
Price per mL $0.50/mL
Client* prices: $0.30/mL
*Clients are defined are individuals who are actively receiving health consultations
Bottle surcharge:
- 25mL and 50mL bottles: $2.50
- 100mL bottles: $1.00
Shipping and handling fees will vary, pick-up is available in Calgary.
Custom Blends
Custom tincture blends are available for diverse conditions including for example, immune support, urinary tract infection and stress and anxiety. Please contact Latifa if you would like to purchase a custom blend. A formulating and dispensing fee of $15 will apply to all custom formulas.
More about wildcrafted herbal medicines

Most of the herbal medicines I use are sustainably wildcrafted. I hand process these medicines primarily into fresh tinctures (alcohol extracts) and infused oils.
Sustainably wildcrafted means I harvest plants, fungi and lichen that have spontaneously grown of their own will, not cultivated plants (although I do occasionally use cultivated plants). This may be from wild environments, but also includes weeds growing in uncontaminated spaces where harvesting is done with permission or in accordance with local laws. Sustainable practice means that harvesting does not diminish the health of current plant, fungi or lichen populations, significantly disturb the soil and waterways, or take away from wildlife habitat or food.

I only harvest small batches to ensure I do not waste any material and have minimal impact on the environment. By continuously studying the individual plants and ecosystems in which I work, I gain insight into how to respect and support the plants, lichens and fungi I use for medicine.
Most of the ingredients I work with cannot be bought or found anywhere else. They are completely unique products derived from local Western Canadian sources. Absolute confidence in correct identification of these species reflects over a decade spent studying plant morphology and taxonomy.

I consult research from herbalists, scientists and traditional healers to learn how to best prepare and preserve the plant medicines I use. The extraction processes I use are continuously evolving as I learn more about the diverse properties of different plant chemicals.

Finally, a wholehearted thank you to the First Nations peoples of Western Canada who have for many generations cared for this land. Thank you for sharing your knowledge of plant medicines with researchers and ethnobotanists, whose work has greatly enhanced my understanding of local plants. I continuously strive to engage with these plants in a respectful and genuine manner. I look forward to continued sharing, understanding, and growth for the greatest good of all people and our mother earth.